In today’s sermon, Pastor Mike talked about Faith. That God cannot be seen, is an excuse I often hear from people as to why they don’t believe in God.

This excuse doesn’t really fly, however. Do you trust when you go to bed, the sun will rise the next morning? Do you trust gravity will keep you planted firmly on the ground? Do you trust your company will deposit your paycheck into your bank account as promised? Do you trust your doctor has the necessary skills to treat you? Remember, someone had to graduate in the bottom of half the class! Was it your doctor?

We can’t see the oxygen in the air we breathe. We can’t see someone’s emotions. We can’t see thoughts and we can’t see energy. Yet we know these things exist for a variety of reasons.

We regularly trust in things we cannot see or put our hands on. Why then, do we find it so difficult to trust in God?

God created us.
“Then God said, Let Us make man in our image, after our likeness…” Gen1:26 (NIV)

God loves us.
“but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Rom 5:8 (ESV)

The book of Genesis tells us Cain and Abel were the first sons born of Adam and Eve. The bible tells us Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd. They brought offerings to the Lord. Abel bringing the first of his flock and the fat thereof. Cain brought fruit of the ground. Abel’s gift exhibited his faith in God and God accepted Abel’s gift. Cain’s gift showed a lack of faith and was not respected by God thus driving a bigger wedge between Cain and God.

While there are few details in the story as to why God refused Cain’s gift, I believe if we look at our own lack of faith and trust in God, we can surmise what Cain was feeling. Churches survive financially based on the donations of their congregation. Do you feel uncomfortable when the “plate is passed” during church services? Do you avoid the annual meeting where budgets are discussed? Do you ever hear the Holy Spirit nudging you to donate more to your church, but you push down those feelings because you have just too many bills to give more? I know I’ve had these feelings.

We, like Cain, don’t trust that God will provide so we want to keep some for ourselves. We justify it saying we need an emergency fund, we need to save for our children’s college, we need to save for retirement. The reality of it is that our first, our best, like Abel’s, should go to God. We can’t have partial faith in God. Either we trust Him, or we don’t.

“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.   Matt 6:31-33

I’m not saying having faith God will provide is easy. It isn’t. And our faith is often tested. The things of this world frequently draw us away from God. We think if we focus on God 100% of the time, we need to eliminate all the good things from our life, the things we find fun and enjoyable. God isn’t asking us to give up sports. He isn’t asking us to walk away from our family. He isn’t asking us to leave our career and become a minister or a monk. Just as your children trust you to guide them, to provide for them, and to care for them, God wants you to trust Him.

Most of us are in relationship with someone – a spouse, a friend, a family member, a child. Those relationships take effort if we want them to be solid and strong. Having a relationship with God is no different. We get to know God by spending time in His word and talking with Him daily in prayer. And just like it took time for you to get to know your spouse, partner, or friend, it will take time to get to know God. It will be in getting to know Him, that your faith will grow stronger and you will learn to hear from God and trust in Him.

Christ gave His life for us so that we may live in eternity with Him. Now it’s our turn, to give our best to Him.

Until next Sunday!

May God be with,

– PSG –