Is there someone in your life you take for granted? Perhaps your spouse? Your children, a parent, a friend? It’s easy to do – especially if we are around them daily. Just like we grow comfortable with a pair of shoes, our home, or a place of worship, we grow comfortable with the most important people in our lives.

The Lord called 11 family members and friends to heaven before I turned 16. I’ve lost many more since then. Because several were young – a 26-year-old cousin, a 14-year-old neighbor boy, my best friend who was only 6 years old – we unconsciously assumed they would live to see old age.

Except for my grandparents who were quite old when they passed away, none of the deaths in my family came with any warning such as an illness. One day they were with us and the next they were gone.

Every time someone died, I made a vow I would not take those I love for granted any more. I would tell them I love them. I would spend more time with them. I would help wherever I could. And yet, before long, the reality of death would fade into the background.

Sometimes I wonder if God calls people out of our lives unexpectedly to remind us how fragile life is and to remind us not to take each other and even our own life here on earth for granted. The events of our lives – birth of a baby, death of a loved one, a close call, and dramatic weather events that destroy peoples’ homes, places of business, and take lives – all serve as a reminder to love each other, show mercy and grace to each other, and appreciate each other and each moment we have together before it’s too late.

Just for today, let’s take time to look and see all the wonders in our life. Appreciate our family and friends. Appreciate our life no matter how little or how much we believe we have. Let’s appreciate the sun, the air, the trees, and the birds. Every moment, everything, and everyone in our life is a precious gift. Spend today fully aware how blessed we are!

My parents are the coolest of the cool on every single level, and it’s because they
have a deep appreciation for every moment of their lives.
Rashida Jones

May your day be blessed!

– Paula –