Have you noticed God has a way of speaking to us even when we don’t want to listen?
There is something you know you should do and for whatever reason you just can’t find the energy to do it. Maybe it is something you aren’t comfortable doing or it could be that whatever it is, doesn’t feel important, relevant, or even doable.
I haven’t written anything over the past month. I’ve tried a several times. I just wasn’t feeling it, so I didn’t. I knew I should push through it. I could feel the Holy Spirit reminding me each passing day I did not put my pen to paper. I just kept ignoring him. I work 9-to-10-hour days in what some would consider a high-pressure environment. Because we just moved recently, we are still in the process of making the new house our home – painting, fixing things, updating it, and bringing it into the 21st century. Then there is dinner, laundry, grocery shopping, taking care of the dogs, getting to know our neighbors and our new church family, and the list goes on.
The Holy Spirit has been relentless in his pursuit of me – “Do you want to be Martha or Mary” I hear him ask. He knows this is one of my buttons he can push because I tend more toward Martha than Mary. “You keep praying for guidance,” he reminds me. “Do what you know you should be doing.”
As I continue to pretend not to hear, he puts it in writing – literally.
In Mornings with Jesus 2021, a devotion by Heidi Gail, talked about being a writer. “She’d never considered herself a writer…I think you are a writer. You just don’t know it.” There it was – the Holy Spirit telling me I am writer.
Coincidence? Maybe. However, a few days later, I was reading David Jeremiah’s new book, Where Do We Go From Here. Dr. Jeremiah speaks about taking the gospel to every town, every tribe, every tongue. (pg. 42). Then on Page 44, he says, “How can you use social media not to argue and debate, but to love and to care and to share Christ?”
There it was in black and white.
Then at Sunday services, one of our Elders was speaking about service to God. In the course of his short talk, he let us know he posts devotions on social media saying, “I don’t know if anyone reads them but I do it for Christ.” One of the ladies that knows I have a blog turned and said, “There you have it!”
Three strikes, I’m out.
Heidi continued, “Sometimes we don’t notice our God given talents or maybe they don’t match our idea of service to Jesus or how we see ourselves.”
If you’re reading this, I do hope it resonates with you in some way. You may be called to do something that doesn’t come naturally to you or even if it does, you haven’t yet mastered it. That’s okay. Don’t worry if what you are doing is good enough. Just take the first step. With each successive step, you will get better. I spent a life time trying to please everyone and the only thing I got for it was frustrated. I no longer worry about what other people think – only my heavenly Father. It’s amazing the change in me because of it. I have finally found peace.
And so I’m back and will be here for as long as he allows me.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they
Matthew 5:16
may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Just for today, listen to the Holy Spirit and take that first step in faith and be who Christ calls you to be. Make it a daily habit and before you know it, using your talents to serve will be second nature.
May your moments be precious, and your days blessed.
– PSG –
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