Do you ever have dreams and wonder what they mean? Is your brain really trying to solve a problem or make sense of something in your life? Is it a message from God?

Is it a message from God?

Last night I had two similar dreams. My husband and I enjoy going to see stage plays. You know – with live performers? In both dreams, I missed the play we were supposed to see. In the first dream, I missed it because I had failed to get ready in time believing we had changed our minds about going. When my husband called me to leave, I was still in my pajamas involved in another task.

In the second dream, we made it to the theater. However, when we arrived, I found I was responsible for an entire group of people. I was given tickets only to realize we weren’t sitting together. In my attempt to put the right people at the same table, I missed the play. (Remember, this is a dream and non-logical things often happen in dreams!) And for me, worse yet, I missed the dinner!

I could take a secular view of the dreams and correspond them to trying to resolve the many conflicting priorities I have at work, or I can view these dreams as a reminder from my heavenly Father.

I’ve mentioned before I am a Martha. I’m very task driven and need order and structure in my life. Unfinished projects or deliverables drive me crazy often causing me to work more hours than I should. I therefore choose to believe with all I have going on in my life, these dreams come from our Father. He is reminding me to look up from what I am doing, see this world with which He has blessed us and take the time to enjoy it!

Any fixation, other than God, is an idol.

There is nothing wrong with work. It is a form of worship and is a blessed act. Even God worked. Genesis tells us, “In the beginning God created…”

However, being obsessed with work over all else is no different than being obsessed with money, working out, alcohol or anything else that we let control our lives. According to, “Any fixation, other than God, is an idol.”

One of my goals this year is to work the hours for which I am getting paid and dedicate more time to what is most important – spending time in relationship with God, my family, and His magnificent creation.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, on one’s death bed, no one ever wished they had spent one more day at the office. (Or wished they had finished cleaning their house!)

No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be 
devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
Matthew 6:24

Just for today – Let’s look at our priorities and make sure we don’t let the “tasks” cause us to miss the play in which God has made us made us a central character.

Have a blessed day!

– PSG –

Image by Biljana Jovanovic from Pixabay