New Year, New Day

New Year, New Day

January 1, 2024. The first day of the new year. It happens only once every 365 days. Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Maybe you commit to make this year, the year you get in shape. Maybe you decide it’s time to get your finances in order. Maybe...
The Joy of the Lord

The Joy of the Lord

Do you equate having joy with being happy? While they are similar in definition, for me, happiness is momentary. Happiness is tied up in things or events. My new kitchen stove makes me happy. Seeing a beautiful sunset makes me happy. A good day at work makes me happy....


How can you tell a juicy, sweet, tasty orange from one that is dry and flavorless? Which orange would you prefer to have in your fruit bowl just waiting for a family member or guest to bite into it? How can you tell a follower of Christ from a fan? Which would be the...
Follow Me

Follow Me

Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.Luke 9:23 Are you a follower or are you a fan? I was sure I was a follower until I read Kyle Idleman’s book, Not a Fan. His book challenged me –...


A commercial for the Super Bowl cost advertisers $6-7 million dollars for a 30 second spot. This does not include the actors’ fees or production costs of the ad. Why would a company be willing to spend so much money for just 30 seconds of your time? Simply put,...
Food for Thought

Food for Thought

There is no doubt in our house when it’s feeding time as Attie, Cooper, and Brady – our much loved 4-legged kiddos – will find one of us, jump on our laps (the smallest weighs about 50 lbs.), dance around, or whine to get our attention. As I stand up to stretch, the...
Your Heart

Your Heart

Tithing. Does the sound of that word cause you to cringe or become defensive when you hear it? Maybe it brings on feelings of guilt for you. Or if you are someone who tithes regularly, it feels more like an obligation than a choice or privilege. How we feel about...


I’ve struggled all week as to how to summarize last Sunday’s sermon as we continue in First Things First. Why? Because more often than not, our minds immediately go to finances when this topic arises. This week, our verses come from Luke 16:1-15. This is the story of...


Do you ever have dreams and wonder what they mean? Is your brain really trying to solve a problem or make sense of something in your life? Is it a message from God? Is it a message from God? Last night I had two similar dreams. My husband and I enjoy going to see...
Your Story

Your Story

Everyone has a story. You, me, our neighbors, our co-workers, people who work where we shop. We, however, aren’t always aware of what the stories are of those around us. As we spend time with others, we learn more about who they are – where they are from, what they...