

Today’s sermon is about wisdom – the prayer God loves to answer! Just ask Solomon. When God asked him what he wanted, Solomon replied: So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.1Kings 3:9 This God gave to...
Screen Time

Screen Time

How long can you go without your smartphone – an hour, a day, a week? When you first read that question, did your mind start justifying your cell phone use? I need it to be able to get hold of my children and my spouse. I need it for work. I use it for directions to...
Test Prep

Test Prep

Growing up, I loved school because I loved learning. I loved learning everything except Math. While words were a gift from God, numbers were the bane of my existence. We always knew well in advance when we were going to have tests in Math class. Even with this...
Martha, Martha

Martha, Martha

We are currently in a series titled Our Imperfect Family, with this week’s focus called “Making a Home Where Jesus is at Home.” Pastor Keith shared a story from the bible that is very familiar to me. It’s the story of Martha and Mary. Jesus comes to visit the...
Dry Season

Dry Season

Have you ever experienced a dry season? A time when you wonder if your brain has checked out? Maybe you are older and wondering if it’s dementia or Alzheimer’s. That’s where I’ve been. In a dry season. Call it writer’s block, a dry spell,...


A puritan preacher, John Owen, wrote: “It is irrational for a Christian to worry, because in doing so a Christian would be saying, ‘God, I trust you with all of my eternity, just not with Thursday.’” Tom Petty is quoted as saying, “most things I worry about, never...


Gravy makes everything better! Gravy and humility are two things seldom discussed. When asked what your favorite Thanksgiving food is, do you reply “gravy!” Or for you, is it the sweet potato casserole? Maybe the pumpkin pie? Or how about cranberry relish – my...


There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.Eph...


 Do you know the exact moment when your life will end? Of course not. None of us do. Driving to an appointment the other morning with the radio on, there was a report of an accident on a nearby freeway. Having lived around several major cities, seeing accidents...


Have you noticed God has a way of speaking to us even when we don’t want to listen? There is something you know you should do and for whatever reason you just can’t find the energy to do it. Maybe it is something you aren’t comfortable doing or it could be that...