

Are you saved? How do you know? Do you believe you are saved because of one of these bible verses? These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.     1 John 5:13  For God so loved the...


Thunderstorms. What comes to your mind when you hear that word? Is it a feeling such as fear or dread? Disappointment because a storm may cancel your plans? Maybe the word thunderstorm recalls a feeling of happiness and comfort as it does for me. My memories of...


What do you know about the Jewish feast of Passover and the meal that is served? Did you know the meal is called Seder and it includes 4 cups of wine along with salt water and bitter herbs? Or that God commanded the Israelites to celebrate Passover at the appointed...


Do you have enemies; people you don’t like? Someone who has done you wrong and you just can’t let go of the issue? I think we all have at least one person like that in our lives. Agape love – the love God has for each of us – transcends what we call...


When you think of the “needy,” what is the image that comes to your mind? Do you imagine the homeless person you see begging on the street corner? Maybe you think of those who are victims of natural disasters in places like Haiti or perhaps the struggling single...


Charles Spurgeon was known as the “People’s Preacher.” While I was unpacking boxes from our move today, I turned the television on for some company selecting a documentary about Spurgeon. I knew little about his background and was surprised at how young he was when he...
The Basics – Faith

The Basics – Faith

A new home in a new city with new adventures and a new church which means new stories and new perspectives. We are working through a series called Core 52 by Mark E. Moore and we are going back to the basics. Just as coach Vince Lombardi started every season with...


God was interested not in success, but in obedience.Eric Metaxas, Bonhoeffer, Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, 2010, pg 363 As a Christian, are you focused on success or on obedience to God? Our society lauds success. Just think of people who make the headlines – Elon...


The Bible provides nourishment for both body and soul. The question is, do we take time to savor the flavor, enjoy the texture, and pay attention to the various subtleties in the food offered to us? Or, as I often do when eating in a hurry, which is most days, do I...


Why is it charity comes so easily to some and not to others? Not just the “doing” of charity. Some so clearly see the needs around them and are able to respond in a way that best serves those needs. In reading Corrie Ten Booms book, The Hiding Place, I am struck by...