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Sunday School

Your Heart

Your Heart

Tithing. Does the sound of that word cause you to cringe or become defensive when you hear it? Maybe it brings on feelings of guilt for you. Or if you are someone who tithes regularly, it feels more like an obligation than a choice or privilege. How we feel about...

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I’ve struggled all week as to how to summarize last Sunday’s sermon as we continue in First Things First. Why? Because more often than not, our minds immediately go to finances when this topic arises. This week, our verses come from Luke 16:1-15. This is the story of...

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Are you someone who makes New Year’s resolutions each January? This time, I'm going to do it!  I'm going to: Lose weight Get organized Find a new job Finally finish all those half-completed projects Focus on what's truly important Read the Bible cover to cover Or...

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Take the First Step

Curabitur fermentum nulla non justo aliquet, quis vehicula quam consequat. Duis ut hendrerit tellus, elementum lacinia elit. Maecenas at consectetur ex, vitae consequat augue. Vivamus eget dolor vel quam condimentum sodales. In bibendum odio urna, sit amet fermentum purus venenatis amet.